Unrealised Projects

Unrealised Projects is an artist run web-based project established in London by Sam Ely and Lynn Harris in 2003. Unrealised Projects investigates the potential of unrecognised, unfinished or unfulfilled ideas. The project is ongoing.

Lisa Le Feuvre writing on Art Failure states:

“Other, more recent, catalogues of unrealised projects are Hans Ulrich Obrist’s Unbuilt Roads or the online archive Unrealised Projects devised by artist Sam Ely and Lynn Harris. These collections show proposals that have been deemed failures before they have been realised, yet nonetheless they are released into the space of critical engagement.” [1]

Unrealised Projects have participated in Publish And Be Damned an annual independent publishing fair in both 2009 and 2006, in June 2009 Volume 4 publication (a partial introduction to a process in progress) was launched at the Liverpool Artists Book Fair at A Foundation.

Participating Artists and Curators

Vol. 1: Chris Aldgate & Lee Johnson, The Centre of Attention, Martin Clark, Denise Hawrysio, Per Hüttner, DRL Jones, Lisa Le Feuvre, Miranda Lopatkin, Simon Morris, Dan Mort, James Porter, Pia Richter, Sebastian Roach, Hayley Skipper, Heidi Stokes, Markus Vater.

Vol. 2: John Bowman and Simon Poulter, Aliki Braine, Pavel Büchler, Toby Christian, David Critchley, Michelle Deignan, Brendan Fan, James Robert Ford, Colin Glen, Michael Gough, Daniel Griffiths, Denise Hawrysio, Andrew Hunt, Ruth Höflich, Cameron Irving, Mike and Paul, The Miller and McAfee Press, Philip Newcombe, Paul O'Neill, Paulmart, Jonathan Pierce, Hayley Skipper, Heidi Stokes, Laurence Taylor, Stephen Willats.

Vol. 3: Catherine Martin, Brit Bunkley, Paul Bruce, Sarah crowEST, Simon Horsburgh, Bronia Iwanczak, Anthony Johnson, Ruark Lewis, Maria Miranda + Norie Neumark, Pat Naldi, Suzanne Triester, A.M.J Utilities.

Vol. 4: Ami Clarke, Sarah Conway-Dyer & Claire Coupe, David Cunningham, Debbie Daniel, Neva Elliott, Jarrod Fowler, Cecilie Gravesen, Robert Kiff, Uta Kögelsberger, Josh Love, Andrea Medjesi-Jones, Sophie Risner, Ola Stahl, Paul Stanley, Cecilia Wee.

Vol. 5, São Paulo: Research into São Paulo's Clean City laws (Cidade Limpa) with As Rutes (Beatriz Carvalho & Cristiana Ceschi) at MIS the São Paulo Museum of Image and Sound.

Vol. 6, Unrealised Potential (in collaboration with Mike Chavez-Dawson): Artgoes, Artlab (Charlotte Cullinan & Jeanine Richards), Franko B, Edward Barton, Megan Bell, Eddie Berg, Bert & Ganddie, Monica Biagioli, Paul Anthony Black, Garth Bowden, Andrew Bracey, Roisin Byrne, Jane Chavez-Dawson, Norman Clayture, Conor McGarrigle, Contents May Vary, Benjamin Cove, Nick Crowe, Neil Cummings, Oliver East, Volker Eichelmann, Tim Etchells, Doug Fishbone, Leo Fitzmaurice, Yuen Fong Ling, Sue Fox, Mark Garry, Liam Gillick (Realised), David Gledhill, David Griffiths, Janet Griffiths, Richard Healy, Harry Hill, Clare Hope, Len Horsey, Dave Hoyland, Mark Kennard, Jessica Lack, Laurence Lane, Little Artists (Darren Neave & John Cake), Leigh McCarthy, Roger McKinley, Jim Medway, Surplus Value, Jason Minsky, Tom Morton, Confraternity of Neoflagellants, Robin Nature-Bold, Hayley Newman, Franz Otto Novotny, Owl Project, Graham Parker, Simon Patterson, Adele Prince, Magnus Quaife, Brian Reed, David Shrigley, W. David Titley, Kai-Oi Jay Yung Beata Veszely, Jessica Voosanger, Cecilia Wee, Richard Wilson, Christine Wong Yap, Stuart Wright, John Hyatt.


  1. Le Feuvre, Lisa, February 2008, Art Monthly 313, ‘Art Failure’, ISSN 0142-6702

External links

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