Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan

Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan, also known as Tianwang buxin teapills (simplified Chinese: 天王补心丹; traditional Chinese: 天王補心丹; pinyin: tiānwáng bǔxīn dān), is a Chinese classic herbal formula. It is commonly made into Chinese patent medicine.


There are about 9 common prescription variations using the same name . One such formula is found in Volume 6 of "Revised Fine Formulas for Women" (校注妇人良方 jiào zhù fùrén liáng fāng) by Bi Li-zhai (c. 1529 CE).

The formula was created by Hóng Jī (T: 洪基, S: 洪基). It was published in "Secret Investigations into Obtaining Life" (shè shēng mì pōu, T: 攝生秘剖, S: 摄生秘剖) in 1638.

There are many variations of the formula proportions. Each maker of Chinese patent medicine changes the proportions of the herbs slightly. Some herbs may be changed also. For example, rén shēn (ginseng root) may be replaced with dǎng shēn ("poor man's ginseng"). The original formula instructed that the pills be coated with zhū shā (朱砂) (Cinnabar), which is banned by the FDA in the US. It is usually omitted entirely from the formulation or replaced with a substitute.

Chinese classic herbal formula

Name Common Name Pinyin Chinese (T) Chinese (S) Katakana Kanji Genus species %
Rehmanniae Radix Chinese foxglove root shú dì huáng 熟地黃 熟地黄 ジオウ 地黄 Rehmannia glutinosa 29.6%
Angelicae Radix Chinese angelica root dāng guī 當歸 当归 トウキ 当帰 Angelica sinensis 7.4%
Schisandrae Fructus schisandra fruit wǔ wèi zǐ 五味子 五味子 ゴミシ 五味子 Schisandra chinensis 7.4%
Zizyphi Spinosi Semen jujube seed, Chinese date seed suān zǎo rén 酸棗仁 酸枣仁 サンソウニン 酸棗仁 Ziziphus zizyphus 7.4%
Biota Semen Biota tree seed bái zǐ rén 柏子仁 柏子仁 コノテガシワ 側柏 Platycladus orientalis 7.4%
Asparagi Radix asparagus root tiān mén dōng 天門冬 天门冬 テンモンドウ 天門冬 Asparagus cochinchinensis 7.4%
Ophiopogonis Rhizoma mondo grass rhizome mài mén dōng 麥門冬 麦门冬 バクモンドウ 麦門冬 Ophiopogon japonicus 7.4%
Scrophularia Radix Ningpo figwort root xuán shēn 玄參 玄参 ゲンジン 玄参 Scrophularia ningpoensis 7.4%
Polygalae Radix milkwort root, snakeroot yuǎn zhì 遠志 远志 オンジ 遠志 Polygala tenuifolia 3.7%
Salvia Radix Chinese sage root dān shēn 丹參 丹参 タンジン 丹参 Salvia miltiorrhiza 3.7%
Codonopsis Radix poor man's ginseng root dǎng shēn 黨參 党参 トウジン 党参 Codonopsis pilosula 3.7%
Poria tuckahoe mushroom fú líng 茯苓 茯苓 ブクリョウ 茯苓 Poria cocos 3.7%
Platycodi Radix Chinese bellflower root, balloon flower root jié gěng 桔梗 桔梗 キキョウ 桔梗 Platycodon grandiflorum 3.7%

See also

External links

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