
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Tribe: Cynareae[1]
Genus: Stemmacantha

Stemmacantha is a genus of Asian plants in the thistle tribe within the daisy family.[2][3]

  1. Stemmacantha aulieatensis (Iljin) Dittrich
  2. Stemmacantha chamarensis (Peschkova) Czerep.
  3. Stemmacantha integrifolia (C.Winkl.) Dittrich
  4. Stemmacantha lyrata (C.Winkl. ex Iljin) Dittrich
  5. Stemmacantha namanganica (Iljin) Dittrich
  6. Stemmacantha nana (Lipsky) Dittrich
  7. Stemmacantha orientalis (Serg.) Czerep.
  8. Stemmacantha satzyperovii (Soskov) Czerep.
  9. Stemmacantha uniflora (L.) Dittrich
formerly included[1]

numerous species now considered members of Rhaponticum


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