So Shush

So Shush
Origin Manchester, England
Genres Indie rock, Indie pop
Years active 2000present
Members Carole Smart
Ian Drumm

Although relatively unknown in their own country So Shush are an English alternative rock band who have generated a following in the US having featured coast to coast on numerous FM radio and internet radio playlists. They’re often noted for a distinctive melodic style that draws on sixties pop and progressive rock influences.

In 2011 So Shush featured at number 7 in Neil Young’s Living With War Today video chart with their song ‘We are the ones who say no’. The lyrics were composed from the names of famous protest songs.


Studio albums




    So Shush album review by Tasty Fanzine, UK

    So Shush song review by Milk Milk Lemonade, USA

    So Shush interview with Junior's Cave Magazine/Radio, USA

    So Shush on - Living with war today

    So Shush album review by Groundwaves FM, USA

    So Shush in feature Spin Magazine, USA

    So Shush review by ExMogul, USA

    So Shush interview for Pulp Magazine, Canada

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