
Dutherius is a 3rd-century Roman Catholic saint, martyr and bishop of Nice[1][2][3]

His feast day is celebrated on 5 December.[4]


  1. Pietro Gioffredo, Nice city, sacred monuments illuminated. (Printed Jn. The mother of James Rustis, 1658)page. xv.
  2. Thesavrvs Antiqvitatvm et Historiarvm Italiae (1723).p105.
  3. Ferdinando Ughelli , Niccolo Coleti & Sebastian Coleti, Italy sacra, sive, of the bishops of Italy. (Sebastian Coleti, 1722) p41.
  4. Jean-Baptiste Boone, De prosecutione operis bollandiani quod Acta Sanctorum inscribitur (the Typographia F.-J. Douxfils, 1838) p30.
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