SİT areas in Turkey

SİT is the Turkish word for archaeological site. The governmental committees named Cultural Assets Conservation Committees determine the archaeological sites.As of 2015 there were 14861 sit areas in Turkey. With a history including Hittites, Hellenistic Age, Roman and Byzantine Empires, Seljuks and the Ottoman Empire, Turkey is full of archaeological sites [1]Below is the number of SİT areas in Turkey classified according to the Turkish provinces (il).

Province (il) Number of SİT areas
Adana Province 346
Adıyaman Province 149
Afyonkarahisar Province 419
Ağrı Province 47
Aksaray Province 164
Amasya Province 239
Ankara Province 527
Antalya Province 761
Ardahan Province 31
Artvin Province 7
Aydın Province 205
Balıkesir Province 232
Bartın Province 45
Batman Province 26
Bayburt Province 18
Bilecik Province 83
Bingöl Province 14
Bitlis Province 34
Bolu Province 82
Burdur Province 210
Bursa Province 241
Çanakkale Province 339
Çankırı Province 109
Çorum Province 92
Denizli Province 217
Diyarbakır Province 287
Düzce Province 28
Edirne Province 191
Elazığ Province 82
Erzincan Province 61
Erzurum Province 107
Eskişehir Province 513
Gaziantep Province 279
Giresun Province 10
Gümüşhane Province 22
Hakkari Province 4
Hatay Province 368
Iğdır Province 9
Isparta Province 211
İstanbul Province 98
İzmir Province 654
Kahramanmaraş Province 217
Karabük Province 67
Karaman Province 116
Kars Province 44
Kastamonu Province 97
Kayseri Province 389
Kilis Province 40
Kırıkkale Province 64
Kırklareli Province 211
Kırşehir Province 127
Kocaeli Province 82
Konya Province 851
Kütahya Province 291
Malatya Province 126
Manisa Province 321
Mardin Province 168
Mersin Province 533
Muğla Province 864
Muş Province 56
Nevşehir Province 154
Niğde Province 139
Ordu Province 36
Osmaniye Province 111
Rize Province 10
Sakarya Province 34
Samsun Province 129
Siirt Province 22
Sinop Province 128
Sivas Province 290
Şanlıurfa Province 634
Şırnak Province 19
Tekirdağ Province 181
Tokat Province 149
Trabzon Province 18
Tunceli Province 21
Uşak Province 165
Van Province 80
Yalova Province 17
Yozgat Province 234
Zonguldak Province 65



  1. Official list
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