Ruben Ablaza

Ruben Ablaza was a jeepney driver who was imprisoned after the accusation of the kidnapping and rape of Filipino-American actress Annabelle Huggins.

Early Life

Not much is known about Ablaza's early life and career except that he was a jeepney driver and that he had met Huggins in a billiard hall sometime in the 1950s.


On October 23, 1962, the then 19-year-old Huggins reported that she was abducted and taken to Bulacan and raped by Ablaza. Apparently, Ablaza had plotted the abduction with two other men, named Lauro Ocampo and Jose Leoncio. During Ablaza's trial in court, he said that Huggins had freely went with him. Ablaza was soon found guilty of kidnapping and raped and was given a life sentence. To the end, he confessed his love for Huggins and his desire to marry her.


Shortly after being released from prison, he passed away.


He was portrayed by Mario_Montenegro in Ang Manananggol ni Ruben, a 1963 movie about his life with Annabelle. He was portrayed by award-winning actor Cesar Montano in the 1995 film Annabelle Huggins Story - Ruben Ablaza Tragedy: Mea Culpa with Dawn Zulueta as Huggins.

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