Rectangular mask short-time Fourier transform

In mathematics, a rectangular mask short-time Fourier transform has the simple form of short-time Fourier transform. Other types of the STFT may require more computation time than the rec-STFT. Define its mask function

B = 50, x-axis (sec)

We can change B for different signal.


Inverse form


Rec-STFT has similar properties with Fourier transform



  1. When
  2. When

If ,and are their rec-STFTs, then

Rectangular mask B's effect

comparison of different B

From the image, when B is smaller, the time resolution is better. Otherwise, when B is larger, the frequency resolution is better.

We can choose specified B to decide time resolution and frequency resolution.

Advantage and disadvantage

Advantage The instantaneous frequency can be observed.

Disadvantage Higher complexity of computation.

The rec-STFT has an advantage of the least computation time for digital implementation, but its performance is worse than other types of time-frequency analysis.

See also


  1. Jian-Jiun Ding (2014) Time-frequency analysis and wavelet transform
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