Province of the Azores

The Province of the Azores (1832 — 1833) was the administrative structure that governed the Portuguese territory of the archipelago of the Azores. Created by Decree 28 (4 June 1832) and signed by Peter IV, in the name of his daughter, Queen Maria II of Portugal.

A Provínce of the Azores resulted from the extinction of the Captaincy-General of the Azores, but retained its capital in the city of Angra do Heroísmo, on the island of Terceira.

The administrative territory was divided three comarcas, with the capital in Angra, administered by a prefect; Ponta Delgada, with a sub-prefect; and Horta, equally with a sub-prefect.

The Province of the Azores was extinguished by Decree 64 (28 June 1833), that divided the archipelago into two separate provinces: the Província Oriental dos Açores (Oriental/Eastern Province of the Azores), that included the islands of São Miguel and Santa Maria, with its capital in Ponta Delgada; and the Província Ocidental dos Açores (Occidental/Western Province of the Azores), with its capital in Angra and administrating the remaining islands of the archipelago.



  1. 1832-1833 Francisco Saraiva da Costa Refóios, 1st Baron of Ruivós

Sub-Prefect of Ponta Delgada:

  1. 1832-1833 Luís Ribeiro de Sousa Saraiva;
  2. 1833-1833 António José de Ávila (did not take office, since he was never permitted to disembark in Ponta Delgada);
  3. 1833-1833 José Caetano Dias do Canto e Medeiros (refused to take office);
  4. 1833-1833 Felix Pereira de Magalhães (refused the nomination).

Sub-Prefect of Horta:

  1. 1832-1833 António Mariano de Lacerda;
  2. 1833-1833 António José de Ávila.

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