Polybus (Odyssey)

In Ancient Greek epic tradition recounted in Homer's Odyssey, Polybus (Greek: Πόλυβος) was the father of a suitor, Eurymachus, who was killed by Odysseus once he returned from his 10-year journey during the Trojan War. Polybus himself was one of the suitors of Penelope, the wife of Odysseus. Polybus was actually described as wise, contradictory to his foolish son. In Book XXII of the Odyssey, after Odysseus and Telemachus had slain most of the suitors, only six remained: Agelaus, Eurynomus, Amphimedon, Demoptolemus, Peisander and Polybus. The aforementioned Agelaus tried rousing the men to throw their spears collectively at the avengers, but Athena guided them elsewhere. Polybus was killed by the spear of the swineherd Eumeaus.

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