Per Störby

Per Störby Jutbring, born Störby, is a Swedish composer, artist, producer, singer and musician, born in Falkenberg, living in Stockholm, also working under the alias Pearl. He is the musical leader of the chamber music group New Tide Orquesta (formerly known as New Tango Orquesta, in which he also plays Bandoneon. New Tide Orquesta is touring the world, releasing albums, and makes music within a unique mix of baroque music, new tango and minimalism, written by Per. He also working with the solo project "Pearl Fiction", an electro pop act. He was the musical part in the art collective Zeigeist, which later came to be a pop band when they released their first and only album 2008 (The Jade Motel). Zeigeist made remarkable performances and shows, with a combination of music and art performance. He has also written music for theatre, movies and TV-series; remixed other artists, and contributed on other artist’s recordings and shows as a musician, producer or composer.

2014, Per Störby Jutbring released his first solo album[1] in his own name (Per Störby Jutbring), performed on the piano, actually his first instrument. The minimalistic album contents composed and improvised solo pieces, with a few tracks as intermezzos, accompanied by the cellist Johanna Dahl and violinist Malin My Wall. One of these tracks is the title track Dance Of The Diaper Fairy, which also later became a video.

Together with his wife, the radio host Kitty Störby Jutbring, he’s producing a popular parent podcast in Swedish. Recording it in a prestige less way, with regular elements and interesting guests, talking about the family, sex equality and gender pedagogics. Together they have a daughter, born 2012.[2] The family lives in Stockholm, Sweden.

Discography (in selection)

Per Störby Jutbring, Albums and videos

Pearl Fiction, Albums and Singles

New Tide Orquesta - Albums

Zeigeist - Albums and singles

New Tide Orquesta - Misc


External links

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