

Palaiyur is a village within the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Palaiyur is located 282 kilometers from Chennai, in Kuttalam Taluk, which is in the Nagapattinam district and borders with the Thanjavur district. The current population is just under 2,000.[1] Nearby villages include: Peravoor, Nakkambadi, Kaliyath, Kokkur, and Vijayanagaram. Thiruvarur, Tharangambadi, Karaikal, and Sirkali.

Agriculture and major crops

Rice, cotton, and corn are major commercial crops. The soil in the district is predominantly red sand, with scattered patches of black soil. The soil in Palaiyur consists mainly of glade soil; the soil in the district is best suited for raising dry crops.

Additional crops grown in Palaiyur include , Bananas , Coconuts , Onions , Turmeric , Chili peppers , Ground nuts , Sesame , Millet , Carrots , Lettuce and Turnips


  1. "Map Of Palaiyur Village In Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu". Retrieved 2015-09-22.

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