PQASSO or Practical Quality Assurance System for Small Organisations is a performance evaluation system and quality mark for charitable organizations in the UK. Evaluations use a system of peer review between small charities.[1] The system was created by Charities Evaluation Services, itself a registered UK charity.[2]

Organizations being assessed as meeting a level of compliance with level 2 or above are eligible to carry an official stamp of endorsement by the UK Charity Commission demonstrating that the charity is well managed.[3]

There are 3 incremental levels of organizational maturity recognized by PQASSO (levels 1 to 3) and defined by a series of management indicators.[4]

Over 100 UK charities currently have a published quality mark under the scheme.[5]


  1. "PQASSO to paint a picture of charity performance". Third Sector. 2007-11-26. Retrieved 2011-11-08.
  2. "PQASSO". Ces-vol.org.uk. Retrieved 2011-11-08.
  3. "Charity Commission endorses PQASSO mark". Third Sector. 2009-07-27. Retrieved 2011-11-08.
  4. "Useful documents and how to apply". Ces-vol.org.uk. Retrieved 2011-11-08.
  5. "Awarded organisations". Ces-vol.org.uk. Retrieved 2011-11-08.


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