Molodtsov alphabet

Cyrillic Molodtsov alphabet

The Cyrillic Molodtsov alphabet (Komi: Молодцов анбур, Molodcov anbur) is an alphabet derived from Cyrillic that was used in the 1920s and 1930s to write two versions of the Komi language; Komi-Zyrian and Komi-Permyak. It was replaced by the Latin Molodtsov alphabet in 1931[1] and later by the Cyrillic alphabet in the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

The letters particular to the Cyrillic Molodtsov alphabet are: Ԁ Ԃ Ԅ Ԇ Ԉ Ԋ Ԍ Ԏ (the hooks represent palatalization)

The Molodtsov alphabet
А а Б б В в Г г Ԁ ԁ Ԃ ԃ Е е Ж ж Җ җ З з Ԅ ԅ
Ԇ ԇ І і Ј ј К к Л л Ԉ ԉ М м Н н Ԋ ԋ О о Ӧ ӧ
П п Р р С с Ԍ ԍ Т т Ԏ ԏ У у Ч ч Ш ш Щ щ Ы ы

In addition, the letters Ф ф, Х х, and Ц ц might be used for words borrowed from Russian.

Latin Molodtsov alphabet

The Latin Molodtsov alphabet[2] was prolifically employed in the Perm Oblast, where virtually all Komi-language publications from 1932 to 1936 were made in the Latin Molodtsov alphabet.


  1. "Creating and development of the Komi literary language" in Tsypanov, Prof. E. A.; anonymous (tr.). "The Finno-Ugric language family". ReoCities. Retrieved 8 Dec 2011.
  2. Русско-пермяцкий словарь для канцелярии. Kudьmkar: Komi-Permjackәj Izdat̡el̡ştvo. 1932 [Roça-komi kьvvez : natod̦il̡ kancel̡arija da sud uзьn].
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