Mishneh Halachos

Mishneh Halachos is an 18-volume set of responsa (Hebrew: שאלות ותשובות), which was authored by the Rabbi Menashe Klein, Rabbi of Ungvar.[1]

These responsa span over a course of about 50 years. Mishne Halachos covers every aspect of the Torah. In the early 1960s, he published a book entitled Mitzvos Hamelech (Hebrew: מצות המלך), a sefer designated to learn each day, on the 613 Mitzvos. This program is called Mitzva Yomis.[2]


  1. See Mishneh Halachos, Volume 1
  2. See Persumei Nisah, first printed in volume 10 of Mishneh Halachos, 1987. Reprinted in Jerusalem 2011.
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