List of Swedish army divisions

An Army division until the year 2000 a Swedish Army designation for large military units, including two or more brigades. An army division was corresponding to a division in many countries armed forces.

Army division Coat of arms Milo Location brigades Active
1st Army Division Milo S Kristianstad garrison 1942–1993
2nd Army Division Milo NN Östersund garrison NB 5, NB 21 1942–1978, 1993–1997
3rd Army Division Milo V Skövde garrison IB 15, IB 17, IB 45, KAB 5
IB 46, IB 47, PB 9,
4th Army Division Milo Ö Strängnäs garrison 1942–2000
6th Army Division Milo N Bodens garnison NB 20, MekB 19 1993–2000
11th Army Division Milo S Hässleholms garrison 1941-1984
12th Army Division Milo ÖN Östersunds garrison IB 14, NB 35, NB 51 1978–1993
13th Army Division
"Armoured Division"
Milo S Kristianstads garrison IB 11, IB 12, IB 41, IB 42
PB 7, PB 8, PB 26, KAB 4
14th Army Division Milo Ö Linköpings garrison IB 2, IB 3, IB 14, IB 33, IB 38,
IB 44 NB 13, MekB 10
15th Army Division Milo ÖN Bodens garrison NB 19, NB 501942–1993
16th Army Division Milo B Karlstad IB 2, IB 3, IB 13, IB 33 1942–1978

See also

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