List of Cyrillic letters

Variants of Cyrillic are used by the writing systems of many languages, especially languages used in the former Soviet Union. The tables below list the Cyrillic letters in use in various modern languages and show the primary sounds they represent in them (see the articles on the specific languages for more detail). Letter forms with a combined diacritic which are not considered separate letters in any language (notably vowels with accent marks which are sometimes used in some languages to indicate stress and/or tone) are excluded from the tables, with the exception of ѐ and ѝ[a]. The highlighted letters are those of the basic (original) Cyrillic alphabet; archaic letters no longer in use in any language today are not listed.

Usage of letters in various languages
Language families Slavic languages Other Indo-European Uralic Caucasian
Alphabet ru be uk rue sr[b] bg mk mo os tg sjd mhr mrj udm kca yrk ab kbd ce
А а/a//ɑ//a//ɑ//a//ɑ///
Ӑ ӑ  
Ӓ ӓ  /ʲa/ /æ/ /ɐ/ 
Ә ә  /ɤ~ʌ/ 
Ӛ ӛ  /ɘ/ 
Ӕ ӕ  /ɐ/ 
Б б/b//β, b//b/
В в/v//ʋ~w//v/
Г г/g//ɣ//ɦ//g//ɣ, g//g//ɣ, g//g//ɣ//g/
Ґ ґ  /g/ 
Ѓ ѓ  /ɟ/ 
Ғ ғ  /ʁ/ 
Ӷ ӷ  /ɣ~ʁ/ 
Ҕ ҕ  /ɣ/ 
Д д/d//ð, d//d/
Ђ ђ  // 
Е е/je//e//je, ʲe//e//je, ʲe//e, ʲe, je//je, ʲe, e, ɤ//ɛ//e, ja, aj//e, ɛː, je, ie/
Ѐ ѐ  /e/[a] 
Ё ё/jo/[c]/jɔ/ /jɔ/  /jo//jɒ//jo, ʲo//jo//jo, ʲo/  /jo/
Ӗ ӗ 
Ҽ ҽ  // 
Ҿ ҿ  /ʈ͡ʂʼ/ 
Є є /je/ 
Ж ж/ʐ//ʒ//ʐ//ʒ/
Ӂ ӂ  // 
Җ җ 
Ӝ ӝ  /d͡ʒ/ 
З з/z//z~ʒ//z/
З́ з́  /ʑ/[b] 
Ҙ ҙ 
Ӟ ӟ  /dʲʑ/ 
Ӡ ӡ  /dz/ 
Ѕ ѕ  /dz/ 
И и/i/ /ɪ//i//i, ʲi//i//i~ɨ//i/
Ѝ ѝ  /i/[a] 
Ӥ ӥ  /i/ 
Ӣ ӣ  /iː/ 
І і /i/ 
Ї ї  /ji/ 
Ӏ ӏ  /ʔ//ʢ/
Й й/j/ /j/ /j/ /j/
Ҋ ҋ  // 
Ј ј  /j/ /j/  // 
К к/k////k/
Қ қ  /q/  /kʰ/ 
Ҟ ҟ  // 
Ҡ ҡ 
Ӄ ӄ  /q/ 
Ҝ ҝ 
Л л/l~ɫ//l//l~ɫ//l//l~ɫ//l//l~ɮ//l/
Ӆ ӆ  // 
Љ љ  /ʎ/ /l/ 
М м/m/
Ӎ ӎ  // 
Н н/n/
Ӊ ӊ  // 
Ң ң 
Ӈ ӈ  /ŋ/ /ŋ/ 
Ҥ ҥ  /ŋ/ 
Њ њ /ɲ/ /ɲ/ 
О о/o//ɔ//o//ɔ//o//ɔ//o//ɔ//o/
Ӧ ӧ /ø//ʌ//ø/ 
Ө ө /ŏ/ 
Ӫ ӫ /ɵ~ɞ/ 
Ҩ ҩ  /ɥ/ 
П п/p////p/
Ҧ ҧ  /pʰ/ 
Р р/r//r~ɾ//r/
Ҏ ҏ  // 
С с/s//s~ʃ//s/
С́ с́  /ɕ/[b] 
Ҫ ҫ 
Т т/t////t/
Ҭ ҭ  /tʰ/ 
Ћ ћ  // 
Ќ ќ  /c~/ 
У у/u/[u]; /w//u/
Ў ў /w/ 
Ӳ ӳ 
Ӱ ӱ  /y/ /y/ 
Ӯ ӯ  /ɵ~ø/ 
Ү ү 
Ұ ұ 
Ф ф/f/
Х х/x//h//χ//x//χ//x/
Ҳ ҳ  /h/  /ħ/ 
Һ һ  /ʰ~h/ 
Ц ц/ts/
Ҵ ҵ  /tsʼ/ 
Ч ч/////////////ʰ///
Ӵ ӵ // 
Ҷ ҷ // /tʃʼ/ 
Ӌ ӌ 
Ҹ ҹ 
Џ џ  // //  /ɖʐ/ 
Ш ш/ʂ//ʃ//ʃ~ʂ//ʃ//ʂ//ʃ/
Щ щ/ɕː/ /ʃ/ /ʃt/  /ʃ/(/ʃ/)/ç//ʃ//ɕ(ː)//ʃ//ɕː/ /ɕ/ 
Ъ ъ[d] [d] /ɤ~ɐ/ [e]/ʔ/[d] /ˠ//ʔ/
Ы ы[ɨ] /ɨ/ /ɨ/(/i/)/ɨ//ɤ//ɨ~ɯ//ɨ//ə/(/i/)
Ӹ ӹ /ɯ~ə/ 
Ь ь/ʲ/ /ʲ/ /ʲ/(/ʲ/)/ʲ/[f]
Ҍ ҍ /ʲ/ 
Э э[ɛ]/ɛ/ /ə/(/e/)/e//e, ɛː//e, æ/ /e/
Ӭ ӭ /ʲe/ 
Ю ю/ju/ /ju/ /ju/ /ju/
Я я/ja//jɑ//ja/ /ja/ /ja//jɑ//ja//jɑ/ /ja/
Alphabet ru be uk rue sr bg mk mo os tg sjd mhr mrj udm kca yrk ab kbd ce
Usage of letters in various languages
Language families Turkic languages Tung. Mongolic Chin.
Alphabet az tk kk ky krc ba tt alt kjh sah tyv uz ug cv evn bua mn xal dng
А а/ɑ//a//ɑ//a/, /æ//a//ɑ//a//ɑ//a~æ//ɑ//a//a, ɑ/
Ӑ ӑ /ə/ 
Ӓ ӓ 
Ә ә/æ/ /æ/ /æ/ /æ//ɤ/
Ӛ ӛ 
Ӕ ӕ 
Б б/b//b~p//b//w//b//p/
В в/v//β/(/v/)/v//w//w/, /v/(/v/)/v/(/v/)/v/, /w//w/ (/v/)/ʋ//v/(/w~β/)///w/
Г г/ɡ//ɡ~ʁ//ɡ//ɡ/, /ɣ//ɡ//ɡ/, /ɣ//g//ɡ/, /ɢ//k/
Ґ ґ 
Ѓ ѓ 
Ғ ғ/ɣ/ /ʁ/ /ɣ/ /ɣ/ /ɣ//ʁ/ 
Ӷ ӷ 
Ҕ ҕ /ɣ~ʁ/ 
Д д/d//d~t//d//t/
Ђ ђ 
Е е/e//iɘ//je, e//e//e//e/, /je/, /jɤ//e//je, e/(/e/, /je/)/e, je//ɛ/, /jɛ//e//ɛ//je//ji~jo//je//iɛ/
Ѐ ѐ 
Ё ё /jo/(/jo/)/jo//ø//jo/(/jo/)/jo/(/jo/)(/jɔ/) (/jo/)/jo//jɔ//iɔ/
Ӗ ӗ /ɘ/ 
Ҽ ҽ 
Ҿ ҿ 
Є є 
Ж ж/ʒ/////, /ʒ//ʒ/(/ʒ/)/ʒ////ʒ//ʐ//ʒ////ʐ/
Ӂ ӂ 
Җ җ // /ʑ/ // ///, /
Ӝ ӝ 
З з/z//ð//z/(/z/)/z//ts/
З́ з́ 
Ҙ ҙ /ð/ 
Ӟ ӟ 
Ӡ ӡ 
Ѕ ѕ 
И и/i//ɪ//ɪ/, /ɯ//i//i, ei/
Ѝ ѝ 
Ӥ ӥ 
Ӣ ӣ 
І і /ɘ/ /ɪ/ 
Ї ї 
Ӏ ӏ 
Й й/j//j/, /ȷ̃//j//i//j/
Ҋ ҋ 
Ј ј/j/ /ɟ/ 
К к/c/ (/k/)/k~q//k//k~q//k//k/, /q//k//k~q//k/(/k/)(/kʰ~x/)(/k/)/kʰ/
Қ қ /q/ /q/ 
Ҟ ҟ 
Ҡ ҡ /q/ 
Ӄ ӄ 
Ҝ ҝ/ɟ/ 
Л л/l//ɮ//l/
Ӆ ӆ 
Љ љ 
М м/m/
Ӎ ӎ 
Н н/n/
Ӊ ӊ 
Ң ң /ŋ/ /ŋ/ /ŋ/ /ŋ/ /ŋ/ /ŋ/
Ӈ ӈ /ŋ/
Ҥ ҥ /ŋ/ /ŋ/
Њ њ 
О о/o//uʊ//o//ɔ//o//ɔ/
Ӧ ӧ /ø/ 
Ө ө/ø//yʉ//ø/ /ø/ /ø/ /ø/ /ø//o/ 
Ӫ ӫ 
Ҩ ҩ 
П п/p//p~pʰ//p/(/p/)(/pʰ/)/pʰ/
Ҧ ҧ 
Р р/ɾ//r//ɾ//r//ɾ//r//ɾ//r//ɚ, r/
Ҏ ҏ 
С с/s//θ//s/
С́ с́ 
Ҫ ҫ /θ/ /ɕ/ 
Т т/t//t~tʰ//t//tʰ/
Ҭ ҭ 
Ћ ћ 
Ќ ќ 
У у/u//w/, /ʊw/, /ʉw//u//u/, /w//u//ʊ//ɤu, u/
Ў ў /w/ /o/ /u/
Ӳ ӳ /y/ 
Ӱ ӱ /y/ 
Ӯ ӯ 
Ү ү/y//ʉ//y/ /y//y/, /w/ /y/ /ʏ/ /y//u//y/
Ұ ұ /ʊ/ 
Ф ф/f//ɸ/(/f/)/f//ɸ/(/f/)/f~ɸ/(/f/)/f/(/f/)(/f~pʰ/)(/f/)/f/
Х х/x~χ//h~x/(/x/)/h//x//χ//x/
Ҳ ҳ /h/ 
Һ һ/h/ /h/ /h/ /h/ /h/ /h/ /h/ 
Ц ц (/ts/)(/t͡s/)(/ts/)/t͡s/(/ts/)/t͡s/(/ts/)(/t͡s/)(/ts/) (/ts/)/ts/(/ts/)/t͡sʰ/
Ҵ ҵ 
Ч ч//(//)///ɕ/(/tʃ/)///c///////(/tʃ/)/ʰ//ʰ, ʰ/
Ӵ ӵ 
Ҷ ҷ 
Ӌ ӌ // 
Ҹ ҹ// 
Џ џ 
Ш ш/ʃ/(/ʃ/)/ʃ//ʂ//ʃ//ʂ/
Щ щ (/ʃ/)(/ɕ/)/ʃ, ʃː/(/ʃ/)/ɕ//ʃɕ/(/ʃtʃ/)/ɕː/(/ɕː/)(/ʃ/) (/ɕː/, /ɕ/)(/ʃ/)/ɕ/
Ъ ъ *(*)(*)(/j/)*/ʔ/(*)(*)(*)(*)/ʔ/ (*)(*)(*)(*) (*)
Ы ы/ɯ//ɯ//ə//ɯ//ɨ//ɯ//ɤ//ɯ//ɯ//ɯ//ɯ/ /ɯ//i//ʉ//i//i//ɪ, ɨə/
Ӹ ӹ  
Ь ь *(/ʲ/)(*)(/ʲ/)/ʲ//ʔ/(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) (*)(*)/ʲ//ʲ//ʲ/(*)
Ҍ ҍ  
Э э /e/(/e/)/e//e/, /æ//e//e/, /ʔ/(/e/)/e//e//e//ɛ/ /e//e//ɛ//e//e//ɛ/
Ӭ ӭ  
Ю ю /ju//jʉw/, /jʊw//ju, jy//y//ju//ju/, /jy/(/ju/)/ju/(/ju/)(/ju/)(/ju/)(/ju/)(/ju/)/ju//ju//ju, jʊ//jʊ//iɤu/
Я я /ja//jɑ//ja, jɑ//æ//ja//ja/, /jæ/(/jɑ/)/ja/(/ja/)(/ja/)(/ja/)(/jɑ/)(/ja/)/ja//ja//ja//ja//ia, iɑ/
Alphabet az tk kk ky krc ba tt alt kjh sah tyv uz ug cv bua mn xal evn dng


  • ^a ѐ and ѝ are not considered separate letters, but variants of е and и respectively. They are used in some South Slavic languages for preventing ambiguity, and have been assigned Unicode code points.
  • ^b The letters з́ and с́ only appear in the Montenegrin alphabet, which is otherwise identical to the Serbian alphabet and was not given a separate column.
  • ^c In normal Russian texts ё is written without the dots, that is it appears as е. The dots are sometimes added to prevent ambiguity or in children books.
  • ^d In the indicated languages, ъ indicates that the preceding consonant is not iotated.
  • ^e In Ossetian, ъ is combined with consonants to indicate new phonemes, most commonly ejective consonants.
  • ^f In Chechen, ь is combined with both consonants and vowels to indicate various new phonemes.

See also

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