Lameni Jayamahalena
King Buwanekabahu the 4th and Parakremebahu the 5th are the sons of King Vijayabahu the 5th (Sawulu Vijayabahu). The daughter of The king Parakremabahu v and her husband Jayamahalana had a child named Lameni Jayamahalana.
Lameni Jayamahalana was the Father of King Parakremabahu vi (Prince Lameni Jayamnahana who was said to be killed by the Alagakkonara party of Gampola Kingdom). Last Alakeshwara was a king of Gampola and died in 1408 and thereafter rev. Vidagama Maithree Thera were the ruler of Sri Lanka for a short period. During the Last Alakeshwara's period the prince was in a big threat of living and he was hiding in the country called Ambulugala with the help of Thera. Finally (After the death of last king of Gampola Kingdom) Rev. Vidagama Maithree Thera, with the help of the noble of Sri Lanka anointed the prince as The Parakremabahu the 6th who was a greater king in the history of Sri Lanka.