Infinity Train
Infinity Train is an animated television pilot created by Owen Dennis for Cartoon Network.[1] The pilot follows Tulip, voiced by Ashley Johnson, and her companion One-One, voiced by both Jeremy Crutchley (Glad-One) and the creator of the pilot Owen Dennis (Sad-One) in their journey through a seemingly infinite train with limitless possibilities in order to find their way home. The pilot was released online on the official Cartoon Network YouTube channel on Nov 2, 2016 and since then has received an overall positive reception.
The short follows a girl named Tulip and her robot companion, One-One as they make their way through a seemingly never-ending train with cars full of puzzles and worlds, unlike anything she’s ever experienced before. Tulip after going through multiple cars lands on Corginia where she must learn to set her personal interests aside to make her way through a mysterious train and help the king of all corgis save his people.
Infinity Train was written, storyboarded, and created by Owen Dennis. Produced by Nate Funaro and Scott Malchus at Cartoon Network Studios, the pilot had Mike Roth as supervising producer, Nick Cross as art director and prop designer, Riley Riggen as production coordinator, Ashleigh-Lauren Perez as a production assistant, Danny Hynes and Ira Sluyterman van Langeweyde as character designers, Aymeric Kevin and Clarke Snyder as background designers, German Orozco as background painter, Ron Russel in color key, Randy Myers as animation director, Sandy Benenati and Vicki Casper in animation checking, Lauren Hecht in animatic timer, and Rick Farmiloe in "steward" animation. Ashley Johnson provided the voice for Tulip, Steward , Ernie Hudson for Atticus, Jeremy Crutchley for Glad-One, and Owen Davis for both Sad-One, and Corgi.[2] The casting director was Scott Miller, voice director as Kris Zimmerman Salter, recording studio manager Susy Campos, and recording engineer Jordan King.
Release and reception
Cartoon Network silently released the short online on Nov 2, 2016, on their official YouTube channel. The pilot almost immediately went viral. it has gained a lot of traction since its release. Many are expecting if it does well enough online, Cartoon Network might opt to turn it into a series.
- ↑ "Infinity Train | Minisode | Cartoon Network - YouTube". 2016-11-04. Retrieved 2016-11-24.
- ↑ Dennis, Owen (2016-11-02), Infinity Train, retrieved 2016-11-24
External links
Rotoscopers News, Shorts, TV (Nov 21, 2016)