Federal Public Service Social Security

The FPS Social Security and Public Institutions of Social Security (Dutch: FOD Sociale Zekerheid en Openbare instellingen van sociale zekerheid, French: SPF Sécurité Sociale et Institutions publiques de sécurité sociale, German: FÖD Soziale Sicherheit und öffentliche Behörden für Soziale Sicherheit), more commonly known as the FPS Social Security, is a Federal Public Service of Belgium. It was created by Royal Order on May 23, 2001, as part of the plans of the Verhofstadt I Government to modernise the federal administration.

The FPS Social Security is responsible for the Belgian system of social security.


The FPS Social Security is currently organised into five Directorates-General:

In addition, it is also responsible for a large number of public social security institutions, such as the National Office for Social Security, the National Institute for the Social Security of the Self-employed, the National Office for Pensions and the National Employment Office.

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