Camilo Ruspoli, 4th Duke of Alcudia and Sueca

Don Camilo Carlos Adolfo Ruspoli y Caro, Álvarez de Toledo y Caro, dei Principi Ruspoli (Madrid, June 5, 1904 – Madrid, November 20, 1975) was an Italian and Spanish aristocrat, son of Carlos Ruspoli, 3rd Duke of Alcudia and Sueca, and first wife Doña María del Carmen Caro y Caro, Álvarez de Toledo y Gomurcio.

He was 4th Duque de Sueca Grandee of Spain First Class, 4th Duque (formerly Marqués) de Alcúdia Grandee of Spain First Class with a Coat of Arms of de Godoy and 18th Conde de Chinchón Grandee of Spain First Class with a Coat of Arms of de Borbón, and 6th Marqués de Boadilla del Monte with a Coat of Arms of Ruspoli after the death of his second cousin Paolo Ruspoli, 5th Marquis of Boadilla del Monte in 1969.

He died on the same day as Francisco Franco, who during his Regency gave the Letters recognizing his titles.

Marriage and children

He married in San Sebastián, October 7, 1931 Doña María de Belén Morenés y Arteaga, García-Alesson y Echagüe, 18th Condesa de Bañares with a Coat of Arms of de Zúñiga (San Sebastián, August 18, 1906 – Madrid, April 30, 1999), daughter of Don Luis Morenés y García-Alesson, de Toro y Pardo de Rivadeneyra, 14th Marqués de Campoo, 6th Marqués de Bassecourt and 17th Conde de Bañares with a Coat of Arms of de Zúñiga, of the Marqueses del Borghetto, Condes de Asalto and Barones de Las Quatro Torres, and wife Doña María de las Mercedes de Arteaga-Silva y Echaguë-Méndez de Vigo, 18th Marquesa de Argüeso, of the Duques del Infantado, Marqueses de Almenara, Marqueses de Ariza, Marqueses de Armunia, Marqueses de Estepa, Marqueses de Guadaleste, Marqueses de La Guardia, Marqueses de Tavara, Marqueses de Valmediano, Condes de Corres, Condes de La Monclova, Condes de Santa Eufemia and Condes del Serrallo, and had three sons:

See also


External links

Spanish nobility
Preceded by
Carlos Ruspoli
Duke of Alcudia
Succeeded by
Carlos Ruspoli
Duke of Sueca
Preceded by
Paolo Ruspoli
Marqués of Boadilla del Monte
Succeeded by
Luis Ruspoli
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