Assédic is the partial acronym of "Association pour l’emploi dans l’industrie et le commerce" (Association for Employment in Industry and Trade). Created in 1958, it was a French agency which collected and paid unemployment insurance contributions. It was associated to the UNEDIC agency, which set the amount of the contributions. In 2009, it was merged with the ANPE into the new agency Pôle emploi.


Assédic's main mission was to manage an unemployment insurance system. It collected insurance contributions paid by both employers and employees. There were 30 local Assédic in France, with more than 600 offices, which now belong to Pôle emploi.

The structure of Assédic

For people coming to live in France, it is very important to remember the importance of all certificates, paychecks, and other documents in nearly all aspects of French public administration. People living in France and needing unemployment support between jobs must keep the job contract, all payslips (which show all salary figures, and deductions), the "Certificat de Travail" which is proof that you have in fact worked at that enterprise, plus an "Attestation de L'Employeur," designed specifically for Assédic, that shows all mathematical details of the employee's company work record.


Assedic is flexible, and, up to a limit approaching your former salary, allows you to work part-time. Revenues for working part-time are not punitively deducted from your income, and they are also considered as taxable, but also retirement-benefit augmentation income (although at a lower level than at the standard working level). Assedic bases its allocations an individual's revenue on the amount of money earned over a previous period, a percentage of which is calculated, and awarded on a DAILY (compiled in the monthly allocation) basis. Therefore, if a person, over a two-year period, were to lose their job through means other than resigning voluntarily, or being dismissed on serious breaches of contract or criminal behaviour, they are entitled to a certain number of days (broken down into hours for calculation purposes) paid at a certain rate per day. If they work part-time, their regular pay is counted, the number of hours is counted up,and their unused entitlement income is transferred "pro rata" into the following month.

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