Abbot Artemy

Abbot Artemy (игумен Троицкого монастыря Артемий; Артемий Троицкий) was a Russian abbot condemned for heresy in the time of Ivan the Terrible along with Matvei Bashkin and, in absentia, Feodosij Kosoj.[1] Artemy was abbot of Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius.[2]


  1. Lutheranism under the tsars and the Soviets: Volume 1 Edgar Charles Duin - 1975 "At the Hundred Chapter (or Stogalov) Council in Moscow in 1551 action was taken against clerics and laymen whose views were close to Protestantism, such men as Matvey Bashkin, lyodor Kossoy, and Abbot Artemy"
  2. АРТЕМИЙ (Троицкий), игумен Троице-Сергиева монастыря АРТЕМИЙ (Троицкий), игумен Троице-Сергиева монастыря в 1551 (ок. ... "Послания" Артемия Троицкого Видимо, во время одной из поездок Ивана IV по заволжским ...
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